The biggest Python topics of 2023 ›
Data Visualization and Exploration
This topic covers data visualization tools and techniques, including SQLGlot for SQL parsing and translation, Matplotlib for creating visually appealing plots, and Databricks for end-to-end data applications. It also explores interactive data analysis and visualization tools like Meerkat and Quibbler, showcasing how different technologies like JavaScript, Python, and SQL can be used for descriptive statistics and visualization tasks.
perspective: Visualization Component for Large Datasets Project
A data visualization and analytics component, especially well-suited for large and/or streaming datasets.
Writing a Python SQL Engine From Scratch Project
SQLGlot is a an SQL parser/translator written in Python. This accompanying article explains the motivation behind the work and highlights parts of the design.
XKCD-style Plots in Python With Matplotlib Article
This short article shows how to add a twist to your matplotlib plots by styling them like the web-famous comic xkcd.
End to End Data Applications With SQL and Jupyter Article
This comprehensive course gives you a step-by-step introduction to building data applications using Python, SQL, and Jupyter notebooks. It even includes an introduction to visualization using plotly and others.
Loge Notebook: Interactive Reports Article
Descriptive Statistics in JavaScript, Python, SQL, R, and Excel Article
A series of comparisons on how to do common statistical methods in JavaScript, Python, SQL, R, and Excel. Includes mean, median, standard deviation, rank values, and more.
vizro: Create Modular Data Visualization Applications Project Started in 2023
Vizro is a toolkit for creating modular data visualization applications.
meerkat: Interactive Data Frames for Unstructured Data Project
Creative interactive views of any dataset.
aquarel: Styling Matplotlib Made Easy Project
Styling matplotlib made easy
Quibbler: Interactive Data Analysis and Visualization Project
Your data - interactive!
logmerger: TUI for Log Files With Merged Timeline Project Started in 2023
TUI utility to view multiple log files with merged timeline